mandag 12. september 2011

Cluck cluck

Beurocracy! We'll go mental before we have anything to show for it! We've been working to get local phonenumbers and bankingaccounts, but good God what a chicken hunt. After a visit to the bank, tele2, and I don't know how long Hans spent on the phone with customer services on both ends, we still got conflicting messages of what we need to do...

Anyways, he finally got through phoneservice which is on the way in the mail, and we decided to just go with all-online Skandiabanken -which is easier than the girl at another bank's cashier with seemingly no clue.
-Pretty much like home in Norway, I guess.. You need a paper for this, and another paper for that, transcripts from this -but then so much is electronic today, so you'll have to hunt down the paper-transcripts like there's no tomorrow.. back and forth. Lucky for me, Hans Magnus doesn't take a break 'till it's done, so he got it all together rather quickly ♥

With the norwegian studentloan foundation, it's the same kind of problems, only it takes even longer... Today I finally got through to a caseworker, just to make sure the papers I sent in were adequate documentation for my spot at school, since the e-mail I got was an automatically generatet "documents recieved" message. The only responce he would give me was a sourpuss "your case isn't done yet -you'll know when it's finnished proccessing!" ..Ass..

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